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Module 1: Introduction. Motivation. Aspect structure
The set of the configuration of aspects makes up a drawing, which, through its direction, coherence, color, etc., shows the dynamics of subconscious activity. It can be considered that the structure of aspects, on the one hand, has vital information to understand the basic motivation of the individual and, on the other hand, channels the internal energy of the individual to focus the development potential and thus achieve the realization of its mission in the different areas of life (houses).
2 Clasess – 6hs
Module 2: Interaction Tools. Planets
The planets symbolize the potential of the forces of life that represent the ego (I), and are the “instruments” with which man comes into contact with the outside world, establishing vital and functional exchanges with it. The structure of aspects is hidden below the surface of human consciousness, and the individual cannot perceive it with the naked eye, that is, he is not normally aware of it. The planetary influences, however, are closer and their effects can be more clearly established.
2 Clasess – 6hs
Module 3: Action Modes. Signs
The signs tell us the genetic and inherited characteristics of the immediate family, as well as previous generations. A planet placed in a sign of the Zodiac is modified in a certain way by the quality of this sign. As we said, the signs create the “atmosphere” where the planet expresses itself and, therefore, the final result perceived by the environment changes. Another analogy that can help to understand this process in part is to imagine the planets as actors and actresses acting in a role, and the signs as the clothes that each actor and actress has to wear to play the role they play. has been awarded.
2 Clasess – 6hs
Cost USD 270 or 3 payments of USD 90
Juan Pedro Saba
Since 2005 fully dedicated to consultation, teaching and development of software and astrological tools. Promoted Huber Method in different areas of the world, at UAC 2008 (Denver), SINARJ 2009 (Rio de Janeiro), Schools of Astrology in Argentina, Chile and Spain. In 2020 he began teaching the Huber Training in Astrological Psychology.
Class Dynamics
The classes are theoretical and practical according to the study program of each course.
The duration is 3 hours with a 15-minute rest interval.
Meetings are held through the ZOOM platform and attendees will receive the link before the scheduled time via WhatsApp and/or Telegram.
Classes are recorded and shared via a download link.
Each student can decide if their practice is recorded.
In case of not being able to attend the practical part, it is rescheduled for the group or a recovery date is agreed.
The Charts are prepared with Cathar Software’s Regulus Student Huber program, which is offered to trainees as a courtesy during their participation in the Training.
A certificate of attendance is issued.
Module 4: Areas of Interaction and Acceptance of the Action. Houses
The houses are the outside world, the environment, the life situations that each person faces from the moment of birth. The individual learns to handle them and seek fulfillment, or bows down to them and, consequently, suffers disappointments. In the areas of life represented by the houses, an individual has the opportunity to develop her innate potential, but he will be able to do so more efficiently if he truly understands what her potential is.
2 Clasess – 6hs
Module 5: Temporary Framework of Development. Age progression
Age progression is a special approach to the time dimension inherent in a natal chart. It allows astrological psychology to approach individual developmental psychology, on the one hand, and transpersonal psychology, on the other, since it includes aspects of spiritual development
2 Clasess – 6hs